At Empowered, I inspire you

to take charge of your life,

embrace your power, and

unlock your greatest potential.

At Empowered, I inspire you

to take charge of your life,

embrace your power, and

unlock your greatest potential.

Butterfly outline sketch design
Lotus flower linear illustration
Butterfly outline sketch design
Butterfly outline sketch design

About Siya

About Siya

I am a mother, healer, life coach and fashion stylist. My journey from Theta Healing to self-mastery was fueled by insights from visionaries like Marissa Peer, Joe Dispenza, and many more shaping my transformative approach at EMPOWERED.

I am a mother, healer, life coach and fashion stylist. My journey from Theta Healing to self-mastery was fueled by insights from visionaries like Marissa Peer, Joe Dispenza, and many more shaping my transformative approach at EMPOWERED.

Inspiring Stories

Inspiring Stories

Butterfly outline sketch design

Before I met Siya, I was at a point where I was stuck in different aspects ​of my life. The sessions helped me figure out the limiting beliefs that ​were holding me back, they made me feel understood and most ​importantly gave me direction in life. Siya blends spirituality and ​practicality so well. For people like me, who have faith in the higher ​power, as well as the power of the mind, it is so heartwarming to have a ​spiritual approach but also knowing what practical changes and steps ​I can take in my day to day life to be able to achieve my goals. Through ​the sessions, I have learned how to be less reactive and have learned ​to take action, even if i am scared.

Before I met Siya, I was at a point where I was stuck in different aspects ​of my life. The sessions helped me figure out the limiting beliefs that ​were holding me back, they made me feel understood and most ​importantly gave me direction in life. Siya blends spirituality and ​practicality so well. For people like me, who have faith in the higher ​power, as well as the power of the mind, it is so heartwarming to have a ​spiritual approach but also knowing what practical changes and steps ​I can take in my day to day life to be able to achieve my goals. Through ​the sessions, I have learned how to be less reactive and have learned ​to take action, even if i am scared.


Siya's coaching sessions have been incredibly helpful for me. She, with ​her authentic, real, raw, honest, kind and powerful being, has held the ​space for me to feel safe and confront my deepest fears. The sessions ​are always energetic, motivating and productive. Siya is how I envision a ​great coach. She is constantly challenging you in a compassionate ​benevolent way and with her vast expertise and experience in personal ​development and spirituality is a great sparring partner and guide that ​will effectively assist you in realizing your dream self and life. Love every ​minute with her.

Siya's coaching sessions have been incredibly helpful for me. She, with ​her authentic, real, raw, honest, kind and powerful being, has held the ​space for me to feel safe and confront my deepest fears. The sessions ​are always energetic, motivating and productive. Siya is how I envision a ​great coach. She is constantly challenging you in a compassionate ​benevolent way and with her vast expertise and experience in personal ​development and spirituality is a great sparring partner and guide that ​will effectively assist you in realizing your dream self and life. Love every ​minute with her.


Before my sessions with Siya, I was overwhelmed with several ​challenges in my life. I was angry, hurt, and stressed. I would get short ​tempered in conflict situations. I felt misunderstood and judged by ​those closest to me in my family. Work stress was over the top with so ​many expectations and having lack of confidence in my capabilities. ​Too many responsibilities and feeling alone made me depressed. ​Everyday it was like I was going from on task to another just trying to ​get everything and every responsibility done without time to breathe.

The sessions helped me take control of my life by sorting out each ​challenge bit by bit. One of the most helpful was an exercise that ​revealed my inner beliefs and misconceptions about myself and how ​these myths I had about me were the reasons that I reacted in a ​certain way to situations. This exercise made me understand a lot ​about myself and how I thought. These were the realities that framed ​my way of thinking.

After these sessions, I can say I have a much more empowered way of ​managing through these same challenges and situations in life. My ​biggest take-away is understanding the limitless possibilities I can ​achieve with the tools I have been given by Siya. And it's not about ​doing great things all the time. It's overcoming my fears, my ​insecurities, and acknowledging my own opportunities to improve. It's ​the taking action to get my life where I want it to be.

Before my sessions with Siya, I was overwhelmed with several ​challenges in my life. I was angry, hurt, and stressed. I would get short ​tempered in conflict situations. I felt misunderstood and judged by ​those closest to me in my family. Work stress was over the top with so ​many expectations and having lack of confidence in my capabilities. ​Too many responsibilities and feeling alone made me depressed. ​Everyday it was like I was going from on task to another just trying to ​get everything and every responsibility done without time to breathe.

The sessions helped me take control of my life by sorting out each ​challenge bit by bit. One of the most helpful was an exercise that ​revealed my inner beliefs and misconceptions about myself and how ​these myths I had about me were the reasons that I reacted in a ​certain way to situations. This exercise made me understand a lot ​about myself and how I thought. These were the realities that framed ​my way of thinking.

After these sessions, I can say I have a much more empowered way of ​managing through these same challenges and situations in life. My ​biggest take-away is understanding the limitless possibilities I can ​achieve with the tools I have been given by Siya. And it's not about ​doing great things all the time. It's overcoming my fears, my ​insecurities, and acknowledging my own opportunities to improve. It's ​the taking action to get my life where I want it to be.


Before I met Siya, I was dealing with a lot of anxiety about my home ​life and relationship. I was worried about finances, my future, and ​spent a lot of time ruminating on my problems and negative "what ​ifs". Siya's sessions helped me look at my situation through a new lens, ​one that looks at possibility rather than negativity. Her sessions are ​both a blend of practical action planning and spiritual healing, which ​gave me a wholistic experience of growth in different aspects of my ​life. Although there may be times where I still experience challenging ​and anxiety inducing situations, but now I'm able to cut off the ​negative spiraling thoughts before they become too overwhelming. ​My biggest takeaway from my sessions with Siya is that even if we ​cannot guarantee our future, taking steps everyday towards the ​future you desire is the key to manifesting the best life in the best way.

Before I met Siya, I was dealing with a lot of anxiety about my home ​life and relationship. I was worried about finances, my future, and ​spent a lot of time ruminating on my problems and negative "what ​ifs". Siya's sessions helped me look at my situation through a new lens, ​one that looks at possibility rather than negativity. Her sessions are ​both a blend of practical action planning and spiritual healing, which ​gave me a wholistic experience of growth in different aspects of my ​life. Although there may be times where I still experience challenging ​and anxiety inducing situations, but now I'm able to cut off the ​negative spiraling thoughts before they become too overwhelming. ​My biggest takeaway from my sessions with Siya is that even if we ​cannot guarantee our future, taking steps everyday towards the ​future you desire is the key to manifesting the best life in the best way.


I’m not joking when I say that Siya has changed my life. When I ​started life coaching with Empowered By Siya I was going through ​some of the worst episodes of my obsessive compulsive disorder ​and life was the darkest it had been for me. I was in a huge rut and ​was all out of hope until I decided to make a choice and get help.

I’m no stranger to self help books, but I can confidently say this ​was the first coaching experience that actually convinced me that ​something as simple as a mindset shift and unwavering faith in ​myself could kickstart a completely different life ahead. Siya was ​very patient with me week after week and introduced practical ​exercises combined with theta healings to help me align my wants ​with my desires.

Siya is taking me on a transformative journey that is teaching me ​how to take control of my own life by taking baby steps forward ​everyday. And although self improvement is a never ending ​journey, I can confidently say that my days have became lighter, ​relationships fuller, and my mind as magnetic as it’s ever been.

I’m not joking when I say that Siya has changed my life. When I ​started life coaching with Empowered By Siya I was going through ​some of the worst episodes of my obsessive compulsive disorder ​and life was the darkest it had been for me. I was in a huge rut and ​was all out of hope until I decided to make a choice and get help.

I’m no stranger to self help books, but I can confidently say this ​was the first coaching experience that actually convinced me that ​something as simple as a mindset shift and unwavering faith in ​myself could kickstart a completely different life ahead. Siya was ​very patient with me week after week and introduced practical ​exercises combined with theta healings to help me align my wants ​with my desires.

Siya is taking me on a transformative journey that is teaching me ​how to take control of my own life by taking baby steps forward ​everyday. And although self improvement is a never ending ​journey, I can confidently say that my days have became lighter, ​relationships fuller, and my mind as magnetic as it’s ever been.


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